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About us

Acknowledge with us the strategic value of your staff

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Innovation and enhancement of human capital

The excellence of Zucchetti solutions and our expertise in digital innovation promotes us to be a 360 ° technological partner able to concretely enhance human capital, exploiting the use of technologies to improve the quality of life.

Simone Uggeri

Chairman & CEO

The strategic importance of teamwork

When you build a team, show trust in its members and they will make sure they deserve it, acknowledge their professionalism and they will make sure not to let you down. The team feeds on single ingredients that when mixed well become pure energy.

Franco Boriani

Sales & Marketing Director

Why choose HRZ




Application Consulting

Our team is made up of specialized and trained consultants

Project Consultancy

HRZ has supported over 1,000 companies in achieving their strategic objectives

Organizational consultancy

We promote the enhancement of human capital, improving productivity

Training services

We provide specific support to complete and optimize the solutions offered to our customers


Our team

Our team is made up of highly specialized and trained consultants, who have supported over 1,000 companies in achieving their strategic and operational objectives. We promote the enhancement of human capital, improving the productivity of all collaborators as well as the planning, management and monitoring of company staff activities and the optimization of both human, economic and financial resources invested in the production, research & development, sales, marketing and accounting processes.






Consulting hours per years


Years of experience

They have chosen us

Join the over 500 companies that have already chosen us

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