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HRZ S.p.A.
P.IVA e C.F. 05261000961
C.C.I.A.A Milano – R.E.A. n. 1808592
Capitale Sociale 50.000€ i.v.
Phone: 02.454.808.81
Codice Univoco: SUBM70N
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Our branches
HRZ is the ideal business partner for all those companies that recognize the strategic value of their staff in achieving business objectives.
Milan headquarter
Via Brembo, 23
20139 Milan (MI)
Phone 02.454.808.81
Corso Unione Sovietica, 612/21
10135 Turin (TO)
Phone 02.454.808.81
Via Creta, 31
25124 Brescia (BS)
Phone 02.454.808.811
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